MOTO G3 Launched at Rs.11,999:
Motorolo has launched the new smatphone MOTO G3 (THIRD GEN) at the event held at new delhi on 29th july2015.The 1GB RAM/8GB storage Variant of The MOTO G will sell for 11,999 where as the 2GB RAM/16GB variant of the device will sell at Rs 12,999. Now you can buy this mobile on FLIPKART.
According to the news ,The Moto G comes with 5 inch Display with a layer of corning gorilla glass 3.It comes with the android 5.1.1 Lollipop OS And the phones has Qualcomm Snapdragon 410SoC With a 1.4Ghz Quad core processor.
On the camera front you wil get a 13MP rear snapper along with a 5MP front facing camera.It come in the Dual sim configuration and will support 4G Sim cards as well .The battery capacity of Moto G3 is 2470mah whichis quite bettert than the Moto G 2nd genration. Moto g3 also features IPx7 Certification which makes the phone water resistantin upto 2 feet of water for upto 30min.